Arts and Academic Writing

journal articles

Philps, E (2022) GPS Embroidery: walking as re-articulation of the written maternalised landscape, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance.

Philps, E (2021) Just to get out of the house: a maternal lens on suburban walking as arts practice, Journal of Cultural Geography


Philps, E (2019) The mother artist in the age of performance reproduction, in: Marchevska, E (ed): Maternal subjectivities, London, Routledge Gender Studies.

Philps, E (2019) A global positioning system – On “finding myself” in the Romantic Landscape, in: K Johnson and J Johnston: Maternal geographies: mothering in and out of place, Bradford, Canada. Demeter Press.

artist pages

Philps, E (2017) In: Study Room Guide to walking women, London, Live Art Development Agency (contributing artist).  Https://

Philps, E (2016) In: Study Room Guide to Live Art and motherhood, London, Live Art Development Agency (contributing artist).

Philps, E (2015) In: Ways to wander, Qualmann, C, and Hind, C., Triarchy Press, Devon, September 2015 (contributing artist).


Philps, E (2023) The Pilgrimage of the Prodigal Daughter. In Slow Ways – Stories

Philps, E (2018) ‘S’ – a response from home, in Butler, C. and Filipska, G: “S: from Fordham to Ucluelet” for STEP exhibition, Flux Factory, Queens Museum, New York.

Philps, E. and Haydock-Wilson, A. (2018). Feminist art sharing in the 1970s – a View from the Instagram Age.  In: Still we rise: Art within the cracks of women’s lives (Arts Council funded publication), (1), pp.16-19.

Philps, E. (2017) the Pilgrimage of the Prodigal Daughter: a journey towards a practice. In: Re: Jacqueline Morreau; mythologies and the marginalised. Exhibition Zine pp.48-49

PhD in Performance Practice

Philps, E (2019) On locating myself in maternalised landscapes: curating, mapping and (re)inscribing Live Art walking performances. University of Exeter

Abstract: To many, the maternal is synonymous with the domestic space. Artistic work made by mothers is therefore anticipated as emerging from this realm and using its aesthetics, be these emotional or material. Cultural residues from the 18th-century continue to frame the Romantic landscape, the suburbs, and the female body itself as maternal spaces, which offer a background to the male subject position and have until recently been silenced within cultural discourses. This practice-based research documents artistic walking performances made by a mother within what I will be calling maternalised spaces, in order to respond to the assumptions and power structures therein. Re-purposing a range of mapping techniques, I articulate the perspective of inhabitant rather than surveyor of this spatialised subject position, and consider how this may be communicated, categorised and curated. My choices surrounding the documentation of these walks consider the politics of biological and mediated reproduction, and respond to notions of ‘selflessness’ for artist and mother in a post-structural age. I evaluate feminist artistic strategies of the past and offer new understandings of maternal aesthetics and practices, suggesting that the multidirectional and intersubjective relational tools of geography offer appropriate and non-essentialised ways to articulate these spaces from within.