Dream Homes

This project is an ongoing investigation into the ephemeralities and permanences of suburbia, exploring how spaces are performed and produced through acts of care.

Frenchay Hospital closed in May 2014.

The NHS trust sold the land to a housing developer.

470 houses are still being built.

I have been photographing the hospital site since it closed, on regular walks with my daughter. Both have changed quickly yet imperceptibly. As the new houses are finished it has become hard to remember this in-between time, where diggers and rubble formed the background to our daily lives.

Using images and material from the site, I created an installation and exhibition of my own responses to this fleeting era at Frenchay museum. Local residents and visitors to the museum were invited to contribute their own memories of this transitional phase to the collection.

You can read about the project in the Journal of Cultural Geography here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08873631.2021.1913924?journalCode=rjcg20